I will be pono (do what's right) while on the island of Maui.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will not defy death for breathtaking photos, trespass or venture beyond safety.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will mālama (care for) the ocean by using only reef-friendly sunscreen.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will ho'ihi (respect others) while driving and pull over when three or more cars are behind my vehicle.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will not take what is not mine, leaving sand and rocks as originally found.
162 Have signed the Pledge
Before heading makai (toward the ocean), I will check water conditions, never turning my back to the ocean and choose beaches where lifeguards are present.
162 Have signed the Pledge
When mauka (inland) and rain falls, I will remain high above the ground, out of rivers and streams.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will mālama (care for) wildlife by only admiring from afar.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will abide by all laws and reside at legal accommodations & support only permitted tours.
162 Have signed the Pledge
I will embrace the island’s aloha (compassion) spirit and take this home as my most precious gift.
162 Have signed the Pledge